Saturday, March 30, 2019

[Blog Post #31] My Stuffie Ellie (The Cove)

Cleaning up my kiddy room to get big girl stuff. I found my Stuffie Ellie. I might keep her in my newly decorated room. 

The Cove Items:

Flaminko! - F} tweeenster butterfly Dungaree
Lil J's Place - Cow Doll - Strawberry Milk

Other Items:

AviL Body (More Size)
{Limerence} Ashanti hair
AviL EnferSombre based Skintone Porcelain
Madylen Shape AviL Genus Baby Short Version Tweenster  Size
BellePoses - Head Daisy (add) (only Daisy not pose)
GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face
(Enfer Sombre*) - Porcelain tone - Mindy


Thursday, March 21, 2019

[Blog Post #30] My New Bedroom! (Imaginarium)

praying before bed. my parrot is not amused.

Items from Imaginarium:

SomeOneStoleMySign: Paris Baby Bedroom (full set)
[Boomerang] - Blueberry Parrot Companion

My Outfit:

TD Baby Fitted
[m] Baby Burrito Footie Jammies
[m] Newborn Cap
TD Baby Bento Earth Head
. tiptoes - Round Glasses - White
8.Yokai - Okashii - Plaster (lilac)


Sunday, March 10, 2019

[Blog Post #29] Easter Bunny Cuddles (IvyWoods, P.O.S.E.)

Cuddling my Easter Bunny before Easter because I don't wanna miss any chance to.

IvyWoods Outfit:

*Cherry Tot* BEBE/TDB FItted Bunnie Outfit Sky


p.o.s.e. (add)  pink bunny

Other Items:

Lilla's Easter Basket
*Itty Bitty Easter Basket* From The Soda Pop Shop
*Pearl Necklace and Bracelet* From The Soda Pop Shop
bonbon - asa hair [unrig] GIFT <3
. tiptoes - Round Glasses - White
8.Yokai - Okashii  -  Plaster (lilac)
Skin- *TD* Summer - 02 Pale
*TD* Baby Mesh Head #Bento - EARTH
Custom Shape (Mine)
*TD* Bubbly UltraPierced ElvenEars
HPMD* Shrub02
HPMD* Sweet Garden Grass08

Logos and Links:

Sunday, March 3, 2019

[Blog Post #28] Gone to the Farm (The Cove/Imaginarium)

Walking around the farm, and enjoying the animals company.

(Photo taken @ Templeton Farm)

Items Worn:

Little Princess - Tweenster Tee (@ The Cove)
{Limerence} Jin hair (@ Imaginarium)
Black Capris Tweenster
GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face
Izzie's - Letter Heart Necklace (gold)
Noelle (Baby Genus) TWNSTR Shape 4.98 FT


Friday, March 1, 2019

[Blog Post #27] TV Time for Cailey! (Ivywoods/SweetHearts)

Just a little bit of TV Time before bed. My unicorn jammies and my favorite show are the perfect way to end a night after a long day!

Items In Scene/Worn:

{ S&S } Fancy Pantsy Toddler Bed + (Prop Remote)
12. Lagom - Moon-Child [ Curtain Floral ]
bonbon - keva hair [unrig]
. tiptoes - Round Glasses - White
{SH} Sleepy Unicorn (TD Baby)

Monday, February 11, 2019

[Blog Post #26] I got a sucker! (Ivywoods and P.O.S.E.)

I got a sucker!


PIP-Pastel Delight (outfit)


p.o.s.e. (add) valentine Group gift (baby size)

Other Items:

[^.^Ayashi^.^] Lilo hair(Unrigged) (Cupid Inc)
. tiptoes - Round Glasses - White
8.Yokai - Okashii  -  Plaster (lilac)


[Blog Post #25] Making Shadows (Ivywoods & Gacha Garden & P.O.S.E.)

I'm making shadows on the concrete. It's too cold to swim, but shadows are fun too!


Sweet Potatos - Smitten Kitten Outfit_Yellow (td and bebe fitted)

Gacha Garden:

Rassuel-Bodrum White Gacha (furniture/scene)


p.o.s.e. baby stand 2

Other Items:

[^.^Ayashi^.^] Lilo hair(Unrigged) (Cupid Inc)
Pink Acid Daisys In Spring Headband - White
. tiptoes - Round Glasses - White
8.Yokai - Okashii  -  Plaster (lilac)


Sunday, February 3, 2019

[Blog Post #24] Painting Little Hearts (IvyWoods)

Painted Hearts

Painting Hearts while out at the campsite. 

IvyWoods Items:

[Little Button] - Emma Gacha Dress 7 Bebe
p.o.s.e. (add) paint heart
Villains Vault Floating Heart Gacha Pixel Heart Rare 

Other Items:

*Besom~ Beautiful Maids (Hair)
Bebe Body
Bebe Salem Head
(Personal Batty Bebe Shape)
[L.B] Cold Lanor Bebe Skin

[Blog Post #23] KK and CC Painted the Blog Room! (IvyWoods + Gacha Garden)

I Painted Your Nose!

I invited my friend Kaysha to come paint with me, we ended up making a mess! I painted her nose, and she painted me. It was lots of fun, we brought snacks in our bunny backpacks, and pillows so she could reach the paper. :D <3 I love my friends and I love play dates!
Partner Blogger's Page Kaysha's Korner

IvyWoods Items:

{SnS}Auden Teal Outfit (me)
{SnS}Auden Purple  Outfit (her)
*KF* Bunny Back Pack chocolate
DUST: Little Artist - Rainbow Heart 
[Life2] Riff's Cotton Candy Plaid Summer Loving Pillow (Kids)

Gacha Garden Item:

AD - Adore C RARE (hair on me)

Blog can also be found on Flickr

Saturday, January 19, 2019

[Blog Post #22] Family Photo Time (IvyWoods Jan)

Do we Have to Take a Photo!

Taken @ Cailey's Castle Store Entrance 

(outfit credits not included this time)

p.o.s.e. family frame {@ IvyWoods Event}

Thursday, January 17, 2019

[Blog Post #21] Can I bring her with me? [IvyWoods Jan][GachaLand Jan]

I want to take her too!

It's picture day at school, but I don't want to go without my matching dolly. Mommy says she can't be in the picture with me, but I don't care. I asked her lots and she said it wasn't a good idea. I told her to guard all our ladybugs till I got home. I love my mini. I put a bow and glasses on her just like mine!


LAGOM - Studio Stockholm [Skybox] #01 RARE
 Bee Designs  Ladybugs {@ GachaLand}
DOLLIEZ- LELE  {@ IvyWoods Event}
Matching Dress: [B.B] Mermaid Dress Td  {@ IvyWoods Event}
Skin: [L.B] Emmy Skin  {@ IvyWoods Event}
bonbon - pony hair [natural] (50L Fri  (jan 11)
tiptoes - Round Glasses - White
*TD* Bento Mesh Head #Earth - Head (v.1.0.9)
3 - Body - BABY FITTED (ToddleeDoo)
Beau Bebe - Ribbon Sandals - TD Baby - Pink
8.Yokai - Okashii  -  Plaster (lilac)
{WF} Jorie Bow Blue
Shape: MaeLyn TDB Fitted Earth 3 ft
p.o.s.e. princess 1 {@ P.O.S.E.}

(also posted at flickr and gimme gacha)